Club Leadership


Mike Mullikin, KF0DDE

Hamshack Hotline #6100002431 


Vice President:

Kenneth Herring, W0HLK

Hamshack Hotline #6100002422



Stan Pierson, AE0LM  

Hamshack Hotline #6100002402



Dave Cook, KW0I


Club Trustee:

Don Moore, W5FFK

Technical Committee:

Dave Cook, KW0I

Don Moore, W5FFK

Marc Wilson, WB0RYT 


Website Committee:

Jason Wright, KD0YEP

Kenneth Herring, W0HLK

Jon Stephens, WA0KOO


ARRL VE Liaison:

Dave Cook, KW0I

Technical Committee:

The technical committee shall consist of technically proficient amateur radio operators whose responsibilities will include: (a.) Assist members with technical problems relating to equipment setup and operation. (b.) Assist members to obtain and/or upgrade their licenses. (c.)  When sufficient interest exists, hold classes on such issues as antenna design, frequencies, packet radio operations, and other such subjects. (d.) Acts as lead organizers of the Club’s annual Field Day. (e.) Advises the Club on equipment and technical setup of the Club’s communications center. (f.) Coordinates and conducts Club net activities.

Website Committee:

The Website Committee shall be responsible for the establishment and continual operation of the IARC official website.  The Committee shall be composed of not less than three members, with one member being assigned as the Committee Chairperson.  At least one of these members shall be a club officer.

The Chairperson shall be responsible for keeping the website compliant with the website host policies and shall keep the other Committee members apprised of necessary changes to the website.  The Chairperson shall be listed as a contact person for the website host.  Only the Chairperson will be able to modify website security/permissions, including access privileges for other Committee members.

Committee members will be able to edit content on the website.  However, as a matter of practice, all website changes will be completed by the Chairperson.  Committee members are to edit website content only when the Chairperson is unavailable to edit content and the remainder of the Committee agrees to such changes.